People can Self refer to Speakeasy or a health professional can refer a client for treatment.
People who are referred need to make contact with me directly. from this point we will start the process of getting initial appointments booked.
Guide to Mental Health Care Plan Referrals (Better Access Initiative) for GPs
Valid Referral Requirements
Services Australia states:
“There's no standard form for referrals. You can refer patients for allied mental health services with a signed and dated letter
The referral should include:
Date of birth
The patient’s symptoms or diagnosis
The number of treatment services the patient needs to receive
A statement about whether the patient has a GPMHTP, shared care plan or a psychiatrist assessment and management plan.”
(Services Australia, 2 March 2021: https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/better-access-initiative-supporting-mental-health-care?context=20
Further to this, Speakeasy Canberra requires both a cover letter and a copy of the complete Mental Health Treatment Plan at the initial session. The referral or cover letter should have the referring GP’s Details including provider number and contact details for the practice. Subsequent review points are recommended to have both the cover letter and MHTP, but the cover letter only may be accepted if it contains the above details.
If a referral is incomplete or invalid, our team will request the GP to provide clarification. The existing cover letter or MHTP can be updated with the requested details, but clarification can also be provided as an addendum. Our contact methods include email and mail. fax.
Email: speakeasycanberra@gmail.com
Mail: PO BOX 3182 Belconnen DC ACT 2617
If you would like any further clarification, please feel free to contact me on the details below.
Michael Haines- (AMHSW) AASW Accredited Mental Health Social Worker, Psychotherapist
BSW, MPH (Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drugs)
Speakeasy Canberra- Alcohol & Drug Counselling and Psychotherapy
Practice Address: Francis Chambers, suite 15 level 3, 40-42 Corinna Street Phillip ACT 2906
Mail: PO BOX 3182 Belconnen DC ACT 2617 Medicare Provider No 5733751H